**ENROLMENT 2025/2026 : Baltydaniel N.S. will be accepting enrolment applications from the 1st of October 2024 for the 2025/2026 school year. Please find more information under the 'Admissions' tab. **


School Self Evaluation for SPHE
Press on links below to view School Self Evaluation and School Improvement Plan for SPHE which were complied by the teaching staff in September 2015. Both plans are work in progress and will be reviewed continuously throughout the year. If any parent would like to comment on any part of the plans please contact the school to discuss it with Mrs Kingston.

Thanking you.

Friendship Week

Street Start Programme by RSA in Carrigoon

4th class took part in the Street Start Programme provided by RSA in Carrigoon. The children learned about Road Safety through Role Play. Each child received a Safety Licence on completion of the Road Safety Talk.

St. Vincent de Paul Food Appeal

Many thanks to all the families in Baltydaniel NS who donated so generously to our St. Vincent de Paul food appeal. The children brought their donations to the Gate Cinema and in return were given free entry to the film ‘Finding Dory’. They thoroughly enjoyed the day. Thanks to the Gate cinema for their very generous invite and for organising the event.

6th Class Celebrating 100th Day in School!!!

RSA Talk
Karen McCarthy from RSA called to our school and gave the children a talk on the importance of road safety.

Friendship Week in 6th Class

Friendship Week
Please click on the link below to complete and submit our Friendship Week Survey.

(Social, Personal & Health Education.)
The strands of the S.P.H.E. curriculum include:
  • Myself
  • Myself and others
  • Myself and the wider world.

Stay Safe Programme:

The Stay Safe Programme is a personal safety skills programme for primary schools – both mainstream and special. Its overall objective is to prevent child abuse, bullying and other forms of victimisation..

What does the programme do?

The programme develops children’s ability to recognise, resist and report risk situations or abusive encounters by teaching children:

  • To identify for themselves unsafe or upsetting situations
  • Simple rules to help them avoid abuse
  • To respect and value the rights of others
  • The language and skills they require to seek help.
The programme also informs parents and teachers about preventing bullying and child abuse, whilst seeking to create a greater public awareness about the problems children can and do experience.

How is the programme taught?

Ideally, children are taught the content of the Stay Safe lessons in the classroom by their usual class teacher, and then discuss the lessons at home with their parents. Teachers and parents work together to ensure that children learn the skills they need to keep safe.

Relationships & Sexuality Education:
What is R.S.E?

RSE aims to provide opportunities for children and young people to learn about relationships and sexuality in ways that help them think and act in a moral, caring and responsible way.

How is RSE taught?

At primary level, RSE aims to help children learn, at home and in school, about their own development and about their friendships and relationships with others. This work will be based on developing a good self- image, promoting respect for themselves and others and providing them with appropriate information. In the school setting, RSE will be part of a wider programme of Social, Personal, and Health Education.

Both the Stay Safe and R.S.E. Programmes are designed to teach the children about self development and relating to others and also about keeping themselves safe.

Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal

This year all the boys and girls who brought in shoeboxes as part of this very worthy cause deserve a big well done! We try to donate as best we can every year to this very worthy cause, this year we have collected a total of 140 shoeboxes! A sincere thank you to all the big people at home who helped the children with this donation it is much appreciated. Also thank you to Martina O Sullivan who organises the collectin of these boxes every year.

Garda Visit:

Garda Liam Doyle visited 4th and 5th class this week 21st Oct. to warn them of the dangers of Halloween celebrations. This was a very worthwhile exercise and will hopefully have taught the children some very valuable lessons.

Irish Wheelchair Association:

On Friday the 22nd November, representatives from the Irish Wheelchair Association visited our school and the children in 3rd, 4th and 5th class got to do various activities while sitting in a wheelchair. A local par Olympian, Tom Leahy from Ballyhooly also visited and presented his medals and artworks to the children. This was a very worthwhile and meaningful experience for the children. Thanks to Gráinne for helping to organise it

St. Vincent De Paul Donation

Over the Christmas period we keep a food box in the hall of the school. This is for anybody who wishes to donate food to St. Vincent De Paul for Christmas. We recently received this Certificate of Appreciation. Thank you to everybody who donated.