The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and information to students, their
parents, and staff, surrounding the use of technology when learning remotely i.e.
from a place other than school and where it is not possible for the teacher to deliver
the class within the same location, as would be the case, if the class was taking
place in a classroom setting.
While this policy informs best practice for remote learning and the use of online
technologies during normal school term, it is devised in response to the Covid-19
emergency and is intended to provide guidance for the conduct of remote teaching
and learning during an extended unforeseen school closure.
This policy does not set out to replace our Internet Acceptable Usage Policy but rather intends to be an important addition to the area of learning from a digital platform.
The policy presented here should be read also in tandem with our school’s Code of
Behaviour Policy and Anti-Bullying (including Cyber Bullying) Policy.
The primary obligations that all schools have are to the welfare of the learners in
their school. This policy, therefore, seeks to ensure that remote learning is safe for
all student learners under Child Protection Policy and that their data is also protected
under GDPR legislation.
Schools must ensure that learning may be able to take place in an environment that
is respectful and fair and meets its statutory duties.
This Policy is prepared, therefore, in accordance with the provisions of the
Department of Education and relevant sections of:
(a) The Education Act (1998)
(b) Education (Welfare) Act (2000)
(c) Equal Status Act (2000)
(d) Education for Persons with Special Educational Needs Act (2004)
(e) Disability Act (2005)
(f) Children First 2017
Teaching and Learning is always evolving, especially, as we move deeper into the 21st century. Developments in IT provide us all with great opportunities as learners and teachers. Never before has there been greater scope to learn using technology and it continues to change the learning relationship between teachers and students. Advances in technology mean that assignments can be delivered remotely and that greater access to information on the internet affords the opportunities for real learning to take place under the watchful and professional guidance of the teacher. However, whether a child is being directed remotely or via a traditional classroom environment, it is very important that all partners are aware that once a learning exchange takes place between a student and teacher, whether at home or school, the same statutory rules apply i.e. the school’s Code of Behaviour and all of the school’s policies.
This Policy has been developed during the Covid-19 Pandemic, when remote teaching and learning was imposed and may be imposed again on the school community, without prior knowledge and preparation. Baltydaniel NS endeavours to make it very clear to all of our partners that the values that are instilled in all of our policies remain, no matter how we change our teaching and learning methodologies or the location of that teaching and learning. This includes remote learning or when a child is being taught in an environment that is not within the school building and the teacher is working remotely and is not present with the student(s).
Guidelines on the appropriate use of Online Platforms for engaging in remote teaching and learning
Baltydaniel NS encourages all students to use Google Classroom under the G Suite platform. All students have been given account details. If problems arise with Google Classroom parents/children should contact their class teacher. Class teachers can then make contact with the Principal or with the school’s IT company, Perduko. G Suite is a very useful tool for remote teaching and learning.
Teachers when working remotely will only communicate online during normal working hours and will endeavour not to communicate with students outside of these hours. Likewise, there is never an expectation on the teacher to have to correct or comment on work sent on Google Classroom outside of normal school hours. Whilst it might suit teachers or students to communicate outside of normal working hours, it is essential that everyone agrees that responses or actions outside of normal working hours are not required. We would urge all members of the school community to turn off notifications outside of their learning/working hours.
In so far as possible, provision for SEN students, will be made when using Remote Learning methodologies.
No matter what time a student and/ or teacher is on Google Classroom i.e. whether the
teacher is online or not- the moment a student logs onto Google Classroom they must abide by the school rules and the rules will be implemented if and when necessary.
We would encourage all students/parents not to leave a google classroom once it is set up.
The material created by the teacher on Google Classroom is the property of the teacher and students do not have permission to share to others outside of the Classroom unless given permission to do so. Recordings should not be made of any online lesson unless with explicit permission from the teacher. In this instance, it is of utmost importance that any such recordings are not shared.
Teachers (with permission from the Principal) may choose to conduct live classes. Google Meet will be used to host these meetings conference might be used. We would like to avoid the scenario of students being compelled to disable their webcams and/or muting their audio. In order to avoid this scenario, we are using a high trust model. Teachers will trust students to behave appropriately online, as they would in their real classroom.
Students’ attire must be suitable and students are asked not to partake in the Google Meet while in their bedrooms. We would encourage all parents to be in the room with their child while they are on a Google Meet call with their class and teacher.
Social media sites e.g. Facebook, Snapchat, Hangouts, WhatsApp etc, to communicate with students is never permissible and teachers have been advised accordingly. Social media may be used by the school to demonstrate examples of good work to parents and the wider school community, but will not be used for the conduct of teaching and learning.
Any behaviour or language deemed inappropriate during school applies online and after established school times. The consequences for such behaviour will be the same as if the student was in school as they are involved in prescribed
school work, on a school created platform using a school log-in and which has been directed by school personnel.
The criteria for mandated Child Protection reporting remains the same as if the child was being taught in school.
All provisions relating to the child’s data remains the same under GDPR procedures and guidelines.
As per all matters pertaining to our school’s Code of Behaviour, if a student acts in a fashion that is contrary to our Code’s expectations their parents will be contacted
Ratification and Implementation
This policy was originally ratified by the Board in September 2020 and is due to be reviewed in September 2022 or sooner if the need arises.